OnePlus launched its much-hyped OnePlus 8T smartphone on October 14. The smartphone came with an all new design, a flagship processor, quad rear cameras, 120Hz display, 65W Warp Charge technology, and all the bells and whistles except wireless charging and an IP-rated dust and water resistance - OnePlus claims that the OnePlus 8T is dust and water resistant. The phone is the OnePlus' latest offering and has been priced quite competitively at Rs. 42,999 onwards. It was probably the best Android offering at its price. Today, however, Xiaomi has heated things up a bit for the OnePlus, in less than a day after its much-hyped OnePlus 8T was unveileed at a virtual launch presentation.
Xiaomi Mi 10T Pro 5G - Full phone specifications
OnePlus launched its much-hyped OnePlus 8T smartphone on October 14. The smartphone came with an all new design, a flagship processor, quad rear cameras, 120Hz display, 65W Warp Charge technology, and all the bells and whistles except wireless charging and an IP-rated dust and water resistance - OnePlus claims that the OnePlus 8T is dust and water resistant.
The Mi 10T series from Xiaomi also houses a flagship processor, an up to 144Hz display, a triple camera setup, and a lot more. On top of that, the Mi 10T is priced at Rs. 35,999 onwards, and the Mi 10T Pro is priced at Rs. 39,999, which is less than OnePlus' Rs. 42,999 price for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage option and Rs. 45,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage. Both the Mi 10T series and OnePlus 8T smartphones come with 5G support. Let us compare the Mi 10T Pro's specs with the OnePlus 8T to see which of the two latest Chinese flagship looks better on paper:
The OnePlus 8T features a 6.55-inch full-HD+ Fluid AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and a hole-punch cut out for the front camera. The Mi 10T Pro, on the other hand, comes with a 6.67-inch LCD display with up to 144Hz refresh rate. The Mi 10T display uses an Intelligent AdaptiveSync technology that optimises the refresh rate according to the content on a users' screen. Both smartphones use Corning's Gorilla Glass for protection.
Both the OnePlus 8T and Mi 10T Pro use Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865 processor and an Adreno 650 GPU. Both the smartphones are equipped with an X55 chip to enable 5G. The OnePlus 8T offers more RAM with up to 12GB, while the Mi 10T Pro offers only one 8GB RAM option. The Mi 10T Pro, however, uses a LPDDR5 RAM while the OnePlus 8T uses an LPDDR4 RAM. The OnePlus offer more storage as well, with up to 256GB of internal storage. The Mi 10T Pro only offers a single 128GB storage option.
In terms of camera, the OnePlus 8T is equipped with a quad rear camera while the Mi 10T Pro offers three cameras. The OnePlus 8T's camera unit houses a 48-megapixel primary camera, a 16-megapixel ultra-wide angle lens, a 5-megapixel macro lens, and a 2-megapixel monochrome lens. The Mi 10T, on the other hand, uses a 108-megapixel primary shooter, a 13-megapixel ultra-wide angle lens, and a 5-megapixel macro lens. The OnePlus 8T has a 16-megapixel front camera, while the Mi 10T Pro comes with a 20-megapixel camera.
The Mi 10T Pro has the larger battery out of the two smartphones, but the OnePlus 8T comes with OnePlus' 'Ultra' fast 65W Warp charge. The Mi 10T has a 5,000mAh battery and supports 33W fast charging. The OnePlus 8T, on the other hand has a 4,500mAh battery capacity with its dual-cell 65W Warp Charge fast charging technology.